Therapeutic Massages

High welfare, no interaction or engagement
It can be done in naturist mode.

Dakini Therapeutic/Relaxing

Therapeutic massage is essentially a localized massage with the aim of gradual recovery of the affected area, relieves pain resulting from stress, muscle contractures, pain due to posture or repetitive efforts, should be performed frequently to obtain better results. It is a practice of applying force to parts of the body in order to stimulate blood circulation, elasticity or relieve body pain, physical trauma, relieve psychological tension, relax the mind, unwind and eliminate stress.

You can finish with Lingam or Yoni Massage.

Dakini Candle Massage

Hot Candle Massage is a massage technique of American origin, with great use in clinics and spas. It is also called Melted Candle. The candle is heated to a liquid state, reaching a temperature of around 38 to 39˚C. Imagine the sensation of a warm strand of oil running down your body, making its application very pleasant and pleasurable. Then, the products are spread over the body along with massage maneuvers with sliding and compressions, which assist in absorption, providing relaxation and well-being, in addition to promoting deep hydration and greater sliding during application. As it is an extremely relaxing technique, the movements will be soft and gentle. The main maneuvers will be sliding, kneading, gentle compressions, circular movements, etc.

You can finish with Lingam or Yoni Massage.

Dakini Hot Stones

This is the extremely intense and relaxing massage. Hot stones, essential oils and manual movements are used to massage the whole body. Their movements are usually soft and gentle. Its main goal is the deep relaxation of the client, recovery of emotional stability and relief of tension and stress. It is suitable for people looking to relieve tension and feel refreshed.

The stones used in this massage, of volcanic origin, are heated to the ideal temperature to release heat and therapeutic properties, which when massaging each of the muscles and areas of the body, will provide the deepest relaxation.

After this massage your body and mind will be in perfect balance, stress-free, and in a state of deep relaxation. The relaxation is quite deep because the heat reaches the deepest fibers of the musculature, increasing the feeling of well-being and pleasure.

You can finish with Lingam or Yoni Massage.

Happy Hour

Segunda a Sexta – 15h às 18h

Massagem Tântrica e Sensual

Happy Hour

Monday to Friday – 3pm to 6pm

Tantric and Sensual Massage